Australian Bush Flower Essences

“In joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends”

~ Okakura Kazuko

If there’s something you’d like to explore within yourself, an area you’d like to improve or perhaps get to know yourself better, the Bush Flower Essences help to get you there. It’s like they open the door to parts of yourself you haven’t accessed before and provide the support you need to get the results you’re looking for. Working with Michelle to choose the flowers for your blend is good fun and it feels like she really gets where I’m coming from.
— Amanda, Vic
Bluebell - opens the heart. Own image.

Bluebell - opens the heart. Own image.

The history of FLOWER ESSENCES can be traced back THOUSANDS OF YEARS with various cultures using them to create EMOTIONAL HEALTH AND WELLBEING. We are once again beginning to understand that emotional wellbeing is a major contributing factor to a healthy life.

Benefits of Australian Bush Flower Essences

*Having your concerns HEARD in a CONFIDENTIAL and NON-JUDGEMENTAL way
*Allows one to feel EMOTIONALLY SUPPORTED in times of need
*Facilitating a sense of CALM

In what circumstances would Australian Bush Flower Essences be useful?

*When you need support to PROCESS EMOTIONS such as FEAR, ANGER, WORRY and SADNESS
*To assist you to NAVIGATE the CHANGE process
*To help one ACHIEVE their GOALS

What does an Australian Bush Flower Essence consultation involve?

Michelle will work with you using PRESENCE and ACTIVE LISTENING, in a gentle and NON-JUDGEMENTAL way to prepare the most suitable blend to SUPPORT YOUR NEEDS at this time. Blends are usually taken orally, 7 drops morning and night under the tongue. Your 25ml personalised blend will be mailed to you after your online consult.

Australian Bush Flower Essences can be used in conjunction with Inner Relationship Focusing to support your process.

Flannel Flower - ease the enjoyment of intimacy and expressing one’s feelings. Own image.

Flannel Flower - ease the enjoyment of intimacy and expressing one’s feelings. Own image.

If you know SOMEONE who is STRUGGLING and would like to let them know you’re thinking of them, why not GIFT THEM a CARE PACK containing a personalised Australian Bush Flower Essence consultation.