Polyvagal nervous system mapping
Image credit unknown. No copyright infringement intended
Are you stuck in a rut and not sure how to get back on track?
Do you find it difficult to know when you’re stressed, and fall in a heap without knowing how you got to this point?
Would you like to feel empowered to make changes to how you behave and react when you are under pressure?
Are you looking for greater insight and self awareness so you can better manage life’s challenges and opportunities with confidence?
Sessions are available online worldwide. Please note that you may need a follow up session based on how in depth your initial session is.
“I learnt things about myself I never knew before and having this knowledge has made negotiating the world and my life much easier.”
“Michelle led me gently through the Polyvagal mapping exercise which revealed how my nervous system works and how it drives how I feel, behave and see the world. I am now able to listen to my system and respond accordingly to help me be at my best.”