Calming your system in times of stress

Tuesday 24th October 12-12:30pm

Engage your vagus nerve and learn tools so you can resource yourself in the face of a challenge and/or switch off your body’s alarm bells, once a stressor has passed.

In the spirit of comfort and choice, you can elect to have your camera on or off.

This session will benefit you if you are

Allow waves of calm to wash over you. Own image

  • feeling anxious and looking for some relief

  • prone to feeling agitated and impatient

  • experiencing excessive worries

  • noticing persistent tension in your physical body

  • prone to being hypervigilant and are often on edge

  • having difficulty falling and/or staying asleep

How you can expect to feel

  • calmer in your body

  • a sense of relief

  • less intrusive thoughts

  • more grounded in your system

  • more emotionally regulated

  • some people may feel temporarily tired as they start to engage their vagus nerve to regulate their nervous system