The journey from discomfort to relief

Tuesday 14th November 12-12:30pm

This session will invite you to be more mindful and curious in how to approach any uncomfortable sensations that accompany moments of feeling triggered. This could present itself as a churning in the stomach before you engage in public speaking , a flushed feeling when you are challenged by a particular situation, a build up of internal pressure when you are under the pump. You be guided to transform what feels uncomfortable into a feeling of relief.

In the spirit of comfort and choice, you can elect to have your camera on or off.

What is true is already so. Owning up to it doesn’t make it worse,. Not being open about it doesn’t make it go away. And because it’s true, it is what is there to be interacted with. Eugene Gendlin (1978) Own image

This session will benefit you if you are

  • wanting to learn how to slow down and pause in the face of a stressor

  • looking for a way to transform your relationship with uncomfortable feelings into meaningful information

  • wanting to introduce a more mindful way to manage triggers 

How you can expect to feel

  • calmer in your mind and body

  • a sense of physical relief

  • greater self compassion

  • more confident and comfortable in your own skin

  • like you have more bandwidth to take on life’s opportunities and challenges