Supporting you to recover from burnout

Are you running on empty?

Do you find yourself going through the motions, yet feel that you are disconnected from the joy of living?

Has the stress of the last couple of years been too much and left you feeling overwhelmed and disconnected?

Life is about balance.

You cannot give from an empty cup. Once your tank is depleted and you are running on fumes alone, the recovery process takes more than just a few days rest. It takes a slow and sustained return, with a change in our habits, the way we approach daily living and a change in priorities, namely putting our health and wellbeing first.

I help people recover from burnout

I use the framework of Polyvagal theory and neuroscience, providing both an educational and embodied approach, helping you to make sustained change so that you can once again experience the joy of living. I also support people physically via gentle physical therapy approaches.

Get to Know and Reshape your Nervous System Online Program

  • For those wanting to make SUSTAINED CHANGE to how they approach WORK, RELATIONSHIPS and LIFE in general.

  • ONE-TO-ONE six session online program where you will learn to BUILD RESILIENCE and be more FLEXIBLE and ADAPTABLE in the face of challenges.

  • Learn how the state of your nervous system drives how you think, feel, behave and relate in different situations.

  • You will learn how to MANAGE what TRIGGERS you and how to GROW your CAPACITY for SAFETY by noticing and inviting in the micro moments of CONNECTION that are available every day, helping you to RESHAPE your NERVOUS SYSTEM so you can make the most out of life.

  • Based on NEUROSCIENCE findings and RESEARCH.

Connect to calm vagus nerve regulation classes

  • For those looking for a QUICK and SIMPLE way of MANAGING STRESS

  • The VAGUS NERVE forms part of the autonomic nervous system and plays an IMPORTANT role in keeping us well, from a PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL and COGNITIVE point of view.

  • RESEARCH has shown that by ENGAGING the VAGUS NERVE, we are able to elicit a REGULATION response, inviting in a sense of BALANCE, restoring cognitive function, EMOTIONAL REGULATION and HOMEOSTASIS within the body.

  • QUICK 30 minute session teaching you how to implement SIMPLE exercises that you can incorporate these exercises into your DAILY SELF CARE ROUTINE.

  • Learn how working with the body can bring a sense of CLARITY and CALM to YOUR MIND and RELIEF from various physical symptoms you may be experiencing, as you RETURN to SAFETY and BUILD RESILIENCE.

  • Program bundles available for INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS (families and workplace teams)

Inner Relationship Focusing Sessions

  • For those needing EMOTIONAL SUPPORT to deal with OVERWHELM, LIFE CHALLENGES and need support in their LIFE DIRECTION

  • Be safely guided to SLOW DOWN, bring awareness and LISTEN TO YOUR BODY’S felt sense, as you learn to cultivate a TRUSTING RELATIONSHIP with your INNER SENSATIONS.

  • Focusing is a GENTLE SOMATIC based approach that can help you process various feelings such as GRIEF, ANGER, ANXIETY, DOUBT and OVERWHELM without talking about the origin of the issue

  • The Focusing process allows you to view situations from a different PERSPECTIVE and experience a sense of RELIEF, as you take the time to cultivate an AUTHENTIC RELATIONSHIP with yourself via the simple act of turning toward what requires your attention.

  • RESEARCH shows that ACKNOWLEDGING and BECOMING FAMILIAR with your INNER SENSATIONS your body is able to experience a REGULATORY RESPONSE, growing your capacity to FEEL SAFE and COMFORTABLE in your own skin.


Manual Lymphatic Drainage

  • For those needing PHYSICAL SUPPORT from the impact of BURNOUT

  • This GENTLE treatment specifically targets the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM, which can become OVERLOADED and SLUGGISH when we are under PROLONGED STRESS.

  • By working directly along the VAGUS NERVE pathway, this treatment elicits a DEEPLY RELAXING regulatory response, which can help one to SLOW DOWN and experience a profound sense of CALM.

  • Some clients have reported being able to SLEEP BETTER post treatment.

  • Lymphatic drainage promotes a DETOXIFICATION process in the body that can help one to feel MORE ENERGISED and some clients have reported a REDUCTION in BRAIN FOG.

  • Please note that you will be asked to complete a thorough medical history to determine your suitability for this type of treatment.