Energising your system when you need a lift

Tuesday 31st October 12-12:30

Engage your vagus nerve and learn some tools to help you feel resourced when you feel burnt out You will be guided to invite energy back into your system in a calm and sustained way, helping you to recover from burnout, and prolonged periods of stress.

 In the spirit of comfort and choice, you can elect to have your camera on or off.

This session will benefit you if you

In the words of Richard Kluft (1996), the slower we go, the faster we get there. Own image

  • tend to feel lethargic and tired, even after a good night’s sleep

  • are feeling flat, unmotivated and have a tendency to procrastinate

  • feel stuck and finding it hard to move forward

  • prone to experiencing low moods and negative thinking

  • looking to reconnect with your mojo

How you can expect to feel

  • more energised, in a calm way

  • clearer in your thought process

  • like you can start engaging in something new/the task at hand

  • more emotionally regulated

  • some people may feel temporarily tired as they start to engage their vagus nerve to regulate their nervous system